Sit back and enjoy this little slideshow of some of my work!
“Thank you again for such a wonderful class. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. You did a superb job of organizing and presenting the technical information.”
Mike Bisceglia

You’ve invested money into your materials and supplies, now it’s time to invest in yourself, don’t you think?

DOMINATE your palette, and fear no more!

I took Lori’s course because my painting was bad and had no confidence. I learned what colors are about and how to use them and not to. ourse starts slow moves fast and fun at the end. Had good one on one talks on Thursday nights, can be on any thing, about painting or not.
Dennis Soliday


Dear Lori, Please accept my profound gratitude for having conceived of, and for making available on-line, the Color Theory Rocks Course. While I had limited prior familiarity with some of the underlying concepts, you put flesh and muscle on the bones of that skeletal understanding, that serve to make the theory very practical and pragmatically useful to me. The painting exercises that were an integral part of the Course taught me important lessons in a very concrete…almost palpable….fashion. Seeing is believing. Your Course opened both my eyes and my mind in helping me begin to both see and understand differently and creatively.I particularly appreciated your warm and caring individualized attention to my needs and to my difficulties. What you have given me will inform and serve as a reservoir for me to draw upon in all my future artistic endeavors. The tuition does not begin to cover the value of what you have imparted to me. I shall hereafter always be far more able to mix and attain the colors I am seeking…..and I shall think of you with a very warm and appreciative smile as I do so.
Lorne Ruby, MD

So, Who Am I?

So, Who Am I, Anyway?

My name is Lori Corbett, and for 25+ years, I’ve been a full-time artist, teacher and sculptrix of highly detailed birds. I’m the author of “Carving Award-Winning Songirds“, and have contributed paintings to a four book series of reference for artists on birds of prey, written by Denny Rogers, and a certified teacher for the Michael Wilcox School of Colour, publisher of the popular book, “Blue and Yellow Don’t Make Green“.

michael wilcox school of colour logo

Certified Instructor
(Image copyright The Michael Wilcox School of Colour)

Like you, I struggled with getting muddy colors nowhere near the actual color I wanted. A ton of paint wasted, frustration with the results, and having to “settle” for the results because I had no idea how to “fix” it started me on path of research and learning various color theory models. The lessons contained in this course are the results of that Journey. The idea for a course happened while giving or attending art workshops. There isn’t enough time to explain the hows and whys certain colors were chosen given the limited time of workshops. This course fills that void, and takes you beyond seminar color mixing formulas. Initially, this course was taught live, either from my studio, or by invitation to groups. In fact, it still is, but at a much higher cost owing to my travel expenses. By offering it online, this course can reach more artists – eliminating the hassle and expense of traveling. This is the exact same course as the live, in-person course. I love color theory – a perpetual student of color – and I would love to share my knowledge and enthusiasm of playing with paint with you. And remember:

Painting is a contact sport!™

ONLY $167.00, AND Take Up to 6 Months to Pay With PayPal

PLUS…If this course doesn’t deliver on my promise that you will learn how to mix your colors more effectively, I’ll refund 100% of your cost, no questions asked.

This was an excellent course for me to attend in order to better understand the complex topic of color and mixing colors. The complex material was presented in just the right mouth sized bites to make it understandable.Truly a very informative and enjoyable class. Spending time to prepare the exercises is crucial to understanding and utilizing the newly acquired information.
Mike Bisceglia


I’m glad you asked!

Besides a ton of knowledge about how to mix the right color, confidence to choose colors for your mixes, wasting far less paint…?

Limited class size, for starters!

This isn’t one of those “take everybody, and forget them” courses. A limited class size enables me to work more closely with you, answer your questions, and give you the attention you deserve.

You’re investing in yourself, and it’s my job to see that your investment pays off.

LIFETIME admission to the Color Theory Rocks Study Group, a private Facebook page, where you can ask questions about the material, help and encourage other students, share your breakthroughs, and share additional information, links – anything that you think would benefit the class. I’ll be active on the page and will interact frequently – answering questions, giving encouragement, and feeling your pain because I’ve been there.
THE LEADERBOARD – A little friendly competition. You’ll earn points for completion of the Lessons, Exercises, quality posts in the private Facebook Study Group, and random Extra Credit Exercises. The student with the most points at the end of the course will receive a gift certificate to Dick Blick Art Supply (or a comparable online supplier in your country) worth $50 USD!* 

*There must be at least 3 students enrolled

I was one of Lori’s first students and as another already stated once a few of the computer glitches were cleared up it was smooth sailing. I thought Lori did a very good job of organizing and explaining the material and the scheduled on-line question and answer sessions were very valuable in clarifying areas that were a little fuzzy to me. This course is very instructive and helped me to put “color theory” to work in my carvings. As a side note, Lori references others in here instructional text and one in particular I found extremely beneficial was the book Blue and Yellow Don’t Make Green, by Michael Wilcox. I would highly recommend using this book as a supplement to her class. It really explains the color bias wheel and the “soft” science of colors, pigments and how the interact and react to one another. Great Book!
Ray White

I took the very first class. There were a few computer glitches, which have since been worked out. The content was great. I printed out the lessons and them and the exercises into a binder which I use to refresh my memory when I am having difficulty mixing the color I want. I learned so much that I didn’t know about the different colors and how they react to each other. It was well worth the time investment! I am so glad that I took this class. Lori made the class both fun and informative!
DeAnn Fausett


Of COURSE not!

PDF downloads of my color wheels, and other templates for the corresponding Topic, as well as other goodies that would be helpful – links, additional videos, and whatever else that will add to your knowledge. LIFETIME access to your course, which means that any revised or additional content is also yours – FREE. In addition to the Lessons in video, you’ll also get them in audio and written format. Downloadable transcripts of every Topic.

Recorded video critiques of your exercises! Starting with Week 2, when you begin using paint, your work will be critiqued by video, and uploaded to Dropbox. You’ll receive a link that allows you to access your, and other classmates’, critiques. You can also download these.

An occasional Bonus Topic that will address concepts that didn’t quite fit into the Lesson / Topic enough to justify creating a Topic of its own, but still contains information goodness you’ll want to know. Short Quizzes after each Topic to make sure you understand the concept before moving on. You must pass before you move on to the next Topic, because each new Topic builds on the previous Topic. You can take the Quiz as many times as you need to gain entry into the next Topic. This ensures that I’m doing my job of putting all the great knowledge into your head.
What I learned through Lori Corbetts Color Theory Rocks class has transformed my painting! I now know how colors work together and how to mix paints so that my birds and habitat have color harmony. I was hesitant to take an online class, however, Color Theory Rocks is the best carving-related class I have ever taken. The well-structured course includes five main lessons divided into video mini-lessons with written transcripts. Most include homework that puts the lesson into practice. During lessons I could easily see details rather than having to jockey with other students for a good view of demonstrations, could view mini-lessons as many times as desired, could progress at my own pace. Lots of practice through homework allowed what I was learning to sink in. Individualized feedback through video critiques of homework coupled with weekly all-class phone conversations resulted in more personal attention than I have ever received in an in-person class.
Janice Doppler

I happily stumbled upon this course accidentally, and enrolled and participated in it last March. It was an extremely helpful and practically useful course to me….and I particularly appreciated Lori’s very warm and quick responsiveness to my questions and difficulties. I recommend it unreservedly to anyone who desires to increase their knowledge and working familiarity and comfort with color theory and its application. In my view, it is absolutely worth the price of admission….and lots more!
Lorne Ruby

ONLY $167.00, AND Take Up to 6 Months to Pay With PayPal

PLUS…If this course doesn’t deliver on my promise that you will learn how to mix your colors more effectively, I’ll refund 100% of your cost, no questions asked.

The inevitable “WAIT! THERE’S MORE!”

Weekly live, online Q&A calls where you can ask your questions, or discuss your progress about the previous week’s Lesson. The weekly Q&A call will be recorded and uploaded for those who couldn’t make it to the live call. You can access it at any time.
A community of like-minded artists to share your Journey, make new friends, gain valuable insights, and networking opportunities,. Access to The Color Nerd, a.k.a. The Princess of Purple (me!) in the exclusive, private Facebook Group where all the cool people hang out. A printable Certificate of Completion officially bestowing upon you the title of “MudSlayer“! How cool is that?

Course Syllabus

Each Lesson is an approximately 10-15 minute video, many with downloads to supplement the information.

The weekly Q&A call will be at minimum 60 minutes.

Plan to spend from 1-3 hours minimum per week on the exercises, starting with Week 2




TOPIC 1 ~ Color Marketing Name
TOPIC 2 ~ Color Index Name (C.I.N.)
TOPIC 3 ~ More C.I.N., Plus the Pigment Common Name
TOPIC 4 ~ Lightfast, Permanence, Opacity & Transparency Ratings
TOPIC 5 ~ Colors With the Word “Hue” in Their Names
TOPIC 6 ~ Are We Talking About the Same Color?


TOPIC 1 ~ Hue, “Primary”, Secondary, Intermediate, Complementary & Analogous Colors
TOPIC 2 ~ Value, and Ways to Achieve It – Part 1
TOPIC 3 ~ Value, and Ways to Achieve It – Part 2
TOPIC 4 ~ Intensity
TOPIC 5 ~ Chroma
TOPIC 6 ~ Contrast and Color Relativity


TOPIC 1 ~ Opaque Pigments
TOPIC 2 ~ Transparent / Translucent Pigments
TOPIC 3 ~ Opaque / Transparency Has Nothing to Do With Intensity
TOPIC 4 ~ Masstone and Undertone


TOPIC 1 ~ Introduction
TOPIC 2 ~ Generic Color Temperature
TOPIC 3 ~ Intro to Color Bias
TOPIC 4 ~ Mixing Our Secondary Colors of Violet, Green & Orange
TOPIC 5 ~ Mixing Complementary Colors Together
TOPIC 6 ~ Mixing with Raw Umber, Burnt Umber, Raw Sienna & Burnt Sienna

Week 4 – LESSON 5

TOPIC 1 ~ Manufactured Black vs. Mixing Your Own
TOPIC 2 ~ White – The Differences, and How and Where to Use Them

ONLY $167.00, AND Take Up to 6 Months to Pay With PayPal

PLUS…If this course doesn’t deliver on my promise that you will learn how to mix your colors more effectively, I’ll refund 100% of your cost, no questions asked.

Still have Questions?

Not a problem! Feel free to contact me! I’ll be happy to answer your questions.

14 + 15 =